Thought we only dressed up weddings? Think again! Vanessa went all out with our full floral design package, AKA The Electric Slide— and extraordinary it was.
This package is for the folks that want to build something completely custom to bring their unique vision and celebration to life. We work with clients of all kinds to fabricate custom arches, deliver killer on-site installs, and offer access to our FULL rental inventory so that your special event stands out from the rest.
Vanessa’s baby shower was one of the most gorgeous baby celebrations we’ve ever seen or been a part of. It served luxury and glamor in every way, Sedona style. A southwest theme featuring classic white roses, peachy amaryllis, ranunculus, and frilly lisianthus set amidst Sedona red rocks. It hit allllll the right notes.
From the custom arch dripping in smilax foliage and an abundance of roses to the floral sprays that crawled up the sides of sitting areas, to the centerpieces with peachy amaryllis that engulfed tables adorned in an indigo and gray clay color pallete — we spared no detail in celebrating this super duper loved little one. Vanessa opened gifts under the arch looking like the absolute goddess she is and none of us felt worthy. At one point someone fed her grapes and fanned her with a palm frond as she basked in the sun. Just kidding. That didn’t happen. But if it did it would have made sense.
This tasteful and elegant celebration took place on the patio of a private AirBnb, with unobstructed views of the epic Sedona red rocks. The design by Kelsey Finland of Jane in the Woods was on point and fluid throughout every detail. From the antlers on the tables and accent chairs upholstered with cowhide —this ultra modern take on rustic southwest was nothing short of flawless.
Photography: @janeinthewoods
Lounges: @dang.finerentals
Rentals: @brighteventrentals
Sweets: @dessertfirstaz